Shoes from an Angel

Are you open to miracles? Read how this one happened to me. 

Have you ever been broke and needed to buy something for your child, and had no idea how the money would come to you? My son needed new shoes, my bank balance was close to zero, and payday was a long way off. 

ask and you shall receive

I worked as Home Care Occupational Therapist in those days, which meant that I treated patients in their homes after they had been hospitalized. I pulled into the driveway of a new patient, opened my car door, and just as my foot was about to touch the driveway, I paused. I blinked at least twice and realized that there at my feet was a $100 bill!  Shocked and thrilled I picked it up, but realized that I was in someone’s driveway, and it might belong to them. Oh darn!

After recovering from the shock, I entered the house and asked if anyone had lost some money that day. The couple said “no”, but they would ask their daughter who was not home, They rang her up and she too said she had not lost any money. To my amazement, when I told them what I had found, they told me to keep it! I never expected that response and then I told them about the pair of shoes that my son needed. They were as delighted as I was by this major miracle. 

When I contemplate how Spirit has provided for me in unexpected ways over the years, I can only hold gratitude in my heart for the little miracles that occur to remind me of how I am supported even when I do not know how it will come out. 

Do you expect miracles? 


Rei Blaser

Providing simple and joy-filled websites for artists, craftspersons, cultural centers, healers and everyone in between.


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